While we’re happy to have you here on our website, Please ensure you read our disclaimer and conditions thoroughly before using avireed.com.
Our website is a question-and-answer forum, where members share information like their ideas, questions, answers and articles.
The information shared on our website (through comments, articles, questions, ideas or answers) is for general information purposes only.
We do our best to make sure that the information here is accurate and up to date, but we cannot guarantee that all of the information is current, accurate, valid, reliable, or complete.
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Avireed.com is not responsible for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information on our website and therefore, will not be held responsible or liable for any losses, injuries, or damages that may arise from the use of this website or the information on it.
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As a forum, our website contains posts by third parties like members of our community. These posts can be in the form of forum posts, comments, and articles.
We do not monitor, endorse, or approve these content and therefore, make no representations or warranties about the content.
Opinions, answers and forum posts shared by members are their own and do not reflect our opinions or views.
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Some parts of our website like the comment, forum, question and answer sections contain external links to other websites. Avireed.com does not investigate, monitor, or check the accuracy, validity, reliability, or completeness of these websites.
Adding links doesn’t mean we recommend or support the views on those pages. It just means we want you to explore and learn more about the topic by visiting them.
By using this website, you hereby consent to our disclaimer and agree to its terms.
Update to our disclaimer
We reserve the right to make changes to this website and these disclaimers without prior notice. Should we update, amend, or make any changes to this disclaimer, the changes will be posted here.
If you need any further information or have a question about this disclaimer, do well to reach us via email at agbonicodemusc@gmail.com or check our Contact Us page for more options to reach us.
If you want more details about how we operate, read our privacy policy or our terms and conditions here.
Last updated: 1/8/2024.